Wednesday, May 20, 2015

ABOUT ME BLURB? Rap? #swaggggggg

Rap to this start at 9 seconds, loose yourself in the music, find your pacing, hit that beat

May I have your attention please? Will the real Natalie Frank please stand up? I repeat, Will the real Natalie Frank please stand up?
We're going to have a problem here!

They call me Nat
You can usually find me in a bowler hat
I've heard people call me a brat
But that isn't even true
This is my official debut
It is going to be a break through
Trust me in a couple of year my face is going to be on your newest tattoo
I sound a bit conceited
I am thinking that some of those words should be deleted

Instead, we will start with something different
So here we go, Can someone check the snare on my headphones?
Alright, swag
It goes a little something like this
My favorite color is black
A lot of people think I smoke crack
But the truth is, I'm just so wack
Now, lets take a step back

Way back when, when I was a little kid
I knew I wanted to be an artist
I just was not sure what kind
I was that girl that was always changing her mind
All I knew was that I wanted to show my talent with mankind
Even to the blind
Even if you can't see it, let me remind you, you will be able to feel it

Now lets take a few steps forward
When I reached those teen years
I needed a way to move past all those fear
Get rid of all the tears
What was not working, was getting drunk
So I decided, why not try a little bit of punk?
Bikini Kill will always bring me that thrill
Kathleen Hanna, you have quite the skill

Films, Flicks, movies, motion pictures
Call it what you want
All four of those are my passions
Mixed in with a little bit of fashion
I have the passion for fashion

I think I am done now
You know more about me then you did before
I'm sorry but there isn't really much more
If you want to know what it is like to be me?
Buy some docs
When you tie your laces
Say, "Make me like Nat!"


  1. Hey Nat! Nice to meet you tho! This about me rap is awesome! The beginning part reminds me of Eminem, and I kinda wanna singing with this! As you said, I think you are film major, right? I'm not sure about that. I have to say, you're so talented because you wrote this rap abut yourself within some of your stories. I guess you really like music creation. lol Btw, this music you link is good,too!

  2. Yo swagmaster, I dig what you be spittin'. Cool way of introducing yourself, I'm glad you didn't go with the "hi my name is blah blah and I do blah blah" traditional intro. Your aesthetic seems to be really interesting and I feel as if we might have a similar fine art aesthetic. We should take photos and work together some time, I'd love to get more into the film world and learn about that side of the industry so if you ever need help let me know. I'll be looking for your album to drop.
