Wednesday, May 27, 2015

3 artist statements

I read found three Cinematographers' artist statements.

 Laffery Witbrod starts his statement out with saying what he likes, how he likes to create his movies. He then gives a quote that is not his but pertains to what he said he likes. He talks about other films that he likes and why he likes them. He talks about what he does when he is not creating but how he remains to stay creative. His past is mentioned briefly, explaining that he wanted to be a writer at one point. He ends with a  Joseph Campbell quote, then signs his name.
That is basically the list of it. The website is pretty and the photos of being on set and screenshots from his motion pictures are very beautiful.

Dominic Clemence starts with the hard facts first. He talks about his qualifications. We learn that he has experience and he has learned from being in the business of television and film. He even gives some advice. "Knowing how to adapt with confidence as the pressure of time bites is the test of experience. Part of the art is an ability to work successfully within these constraints, turning limitations to advantage."
He talks about how he views himself and what he thinks of his work. He believes he is not a cameraman, but a filmmaker. He finishes the hope of a future and brings in the technology part of film making then writes his name. Short and sweet.

Alex Fuerst has the shortest statement of the three. He also calls it his "ethics statement" which sets him apart from both Dominic and Laffery. His first like expresses his goal and how he would overall look at what he is doing and achieving.  He mentions he is a camera man and an artists, technical and artistic, which rings a slight bell with Dominic who commented on the technology part of film making. Before Alex's "Ethics Statement" , he has a bio. That is also different from the other two. The other two mention the little bits from the past but not a full on bio.

The all have the hopes and goals in common. All three statement clearly state what is is that they do, what style they enjoy, and influence which is very important in the business of film. The structure are a bit different but the overall outcome and ideas are similar. To me, that is important to take into my notes because they are all artists and yes while things need to have a direct message, conveying that message could be done in different ways. I also enjoyed the layout on the websites a lot. The websites that were interesting and visually appealing, were the ones that I took the time to read. I know this is an english class focused on writing but if we are looking at writings from visual artists, the way they present their writing better be visually interesting.
Lastly, all three of the artists make their statements personal and sign their name at the end.


  1. It seems like the ones I read also has a common theme in their artist statement. I believe having a strong artist statement can enhance our work for others to understand or maybe have a different outlook all together.
