Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Everything is An ARGUMENT

There are good arguments and bad arguments. Even that can be an argument, if you're willing to argue about it but yeah... I like to call the good types of arguments "creative discussions" but what do I know.
The article defiantly kept me reading and I did not give up like I usually do but it was just so much information on what? Arguing? Like do we really have to seriously in depth dissect everything in this life. Because I read it, I do not think I will argue any differently or look at arguments differently.  But what is anything if we are all arguing and fighting and what not. We should get on with out day and not think about the fact that me talking to myself about getting out of bed or not is an argument. I am just going to do it and let it be done.
It was a cool read I guess. I do not know. Maybe I liked it, maybe I did not. But I no longer want to argue about if I liked it or not. I want peace in my mind and peace in this world.

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