Friday, June 19, 2015



I 100% agree with this article. Finding strong, real, and persuasive evidence is really important when it comes to any type of writing. I was going to say that besides a writing that is based on only your opinion but that is not even true.  A good opinion piece is able to back up the opinion with educational evidence from research or experience. The bullet points on page 396 are really important to consider when collecting evidence or data. I went to a gnarly private school until 8th grade. I would ask my mom why she spent so much money to send me to this super hard school where I would have to wear uniforms and she said it was because they teach you how to study and research. I do not really know how to study to this day but if I learned anything from this crazy school it was how to do research and use the tools that they provided us. A shame I ended up at an Art School, not UMICH majoring in biophysch like my sister. But anyways, until recently I actually preferred to do research with books in the library and not use the internet. Then I got lazy and I figured the internet is much faster than going to the public library.
The “Collecting Your Own Data” part of the reading was interesting to me. When I am doing research for a research paper, I like to just take notes on what I am reading in my own words so that way I learn what I am writing because I have to use my own words. Once I have all the information I need to write my paper, then I will start my first draft. I wait until I have all my information so there is no chance of copying and I have the chance to learn.

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