Thursday, June 25, 2015



This reading was really helpful because I like to write screenplays and I enjoy reading screenplays while watching the films that where made with them. 

"As I struggled to read in this environment, I began to realize that the way I was reading—one word at a time—was exactly the same way that the author had written the text. I realized writing is a word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence process. The intense concentra- tion required to read in the theater helped me recognize some of the interesting ways that authors string words into phrases into paragraphs into entire books. "
I have had this realization before. I just really liked this reading because I could relate so much. Certain things the writer said just clicked in my head. I copy and paste a few of those things.

"I came to realize that all writing consists of a series of choices." 

"The goal as you read like a writer is to locate what you believe are the most important writerly choices represented in the text—choices as large as the overall structure or as small as a single word used only once—to consider the effect of those choices on potential readers (in- cluding yourself). Then you can go one step further and imagine what different choices the author might have made instead, and what effect those different choices would have on readers." 

"You are reading to learn about writing." - This is why I started reading some of my favorite writers books. The first book I read in years was Lena Dunham's Not That Kind of Girl. Big books are not really my thing but I really wanted to read it just because Lena wrote it and she writes GIRLS the brilliant, character driven series on HBO. I thought I would give it a shot. It was great. I could connect the writing to her tv show girls just by reading her book. it was great!

For sure a cool read. It was interesting and relatable.

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