Thursday, June 25, 2015


Due to the portal being down, I have yet to be able to ask Dave if I can interview him. I was planning on asking him in class on Monday. I got in my car drove all the way to school. The entire 10 minutes it takes and when I get out of my car, a couple of my fellow classmates are walking towards my car. They inform me that class has been cancelled. I didn't know how to feel. Should I have been happy that I have a free Monday evening to catch up on some other things I have been putting aside or was I pissed that I could not ask dave and now I have to add this interview to my list of stressers. I know  Dave will let me interview him, so I'm not too worried.

ANYWAYS, here are some questions I plan on asking him.

What is the first feature screenplay you wrote?
Looking back at it now, what do you think of your writing at the time and what has changed? (style, language, genre, structure?)

You have mentioned your career in the industry quite a bit in class, you have said that you have been a director, editor, writer, reader, and director of photography. What is your favorite position? Which one was the most changeling?

Who is your favorite screenwriter of all time? What is your favorite piece of work done by him or her?

When and why did you decide you wanted to teach film history and screenwriting?

What do you think makes a good screenwriter? What does it take to be a good screenwriter?

What is your favorite genre to write and why?

When teaching students how to write screenplays, what do you find they struggle with the most?

If you could give advice to any student who wishes to be an amazing screenwriter, what would you tell them?

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