Friday, June 19, 2015

Rhetorical Analysis

The most important section of this reading, in my opinion, was the section about appealing to your audience. I used to say that whatever I read I cannot retain. Like my whole high school career consisted of complaining how I would read and read and read these school assigned readings and not understand a thing. It felt like I would black out when I was reading and not remember a thing. I realized that was not the truth. I am actually a good reader and I get super into it when I am reading things that truly spark my interest. The example they use with the bud lite and the drinking and driving was a good example. I can relate this to writing and making a good film. There are obviously a lot of well written films out there. But when you think about the oscar nominated best picture films, are they ever not rated R with super intense subject matter? Besides Avatar. But even that movie is gnarly. If a movie is written and made to appeal to all ages and genders then it is going to do better and make more money. For example Jurassic World. Kids can enjoy it because it's dinosaurs but adults would also go see it because it's dinosaurs, well made, and brings them back to the Jurassic Park days. So thats the studios saying we are making a movie for all audiences because we want to make bank. Those dark dramas that are so well written and take the emotion straight out of you and make you cry in theaters…. those gnarly sex scenes… kids can’t go and that’s the writer, producer, and director saying that okay that we took out 50% of the population from seeing this film. In the name of art, I don’t totally care about the kids. I choose to write to those who are able to understand the dark humor in a drama… so adults.

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